Just can't get a spare!
Us being cutesy
I like the colors!
Look at that determination to NOT get a gutter ball!
Did you get tickets?
Those teenagers kept stealing my lucky ball!
Yes, I'm excited when I knock 4 pins down!
Like 5 seconds before yet another gutter ball...
My husband shot putting the ball!
Excellent form!
Not so excellent form!
Cousin It played with us...
Looking like a spokeswoman for Southern Peaches!
Maybe if I SING to the ball it will actually hit some pins!
I love these ones!
We named each other!
Granny rolling...
I looooove his dimples!
Our names round two...Chunk was TOTALLY in honor my astounding Truffle Shuffle skills...
I have tiny feet...
Nick's "I'm too cool for school" look...
Me trying to re-create that look...
But I can't, me likes to smile!
Um...is he doing the robot?
Nick's shoes!
Crazy Nick.
I don't know this person...he was some random creepy guy at the bowling alley...weird huh?
Theeeere's my husband!
Bowling in unison! That chick in the background bowls like ME...just stands there and whips it!
Deer in headlights!
Nice nose hairs!
My husband's a perv...
Toooo cloooooooose!
Yeah...not happy with my non-pin-knocking-down
I have a butt!! Woo hoo! I NEVER have a butt!
The one time all night I was beating him!
How awesome looking!
Kisses even though he KILLED me in bowling!
Aw man!
Yay!!!! (As you can see, THIS ball actually might get one pin!)
Aaaand it did!
He's just a little bit better than me...
Last bowl!
At Chili's...Nick stuffing his face with chips and salsa!
Muuuuch better!
Aw, I love him! :)
And his shoulder is tasty...
How can NEITHER of us be ready for a picture I'M taking?!?!
Ewwww...Mommy and Daddy are KISSING!
I stole the rest of his Margarita...
This is actually what Nick really looks like mid-belch...
Yeah...I rock at burping...
Could we take any more pictures?
I'm sleepy...check please!
These are JUST for you guys, I thought you'd appreciate the Rachel you all know and love...
Trying to look sexy as Nick shovels chips in his face...
How my gay husband signed his name....I swear it wasn't meeeee
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